Bhujerban Madhu
Svagatam, traveler! Welcome to Bhujerba, a skycity nestled among the clouds. Wet your throat here at the Cloudborne Tavern with our local specialty, Bhujerban Madhu.
The city of Bhujerba is loosely inspired by Indian culture and etymology; "madhu" is also a Sanskrit word referring to honey or sweet beverages such as mead. This mixed drink is reminiscent of a mulled wine: the mead's flavor softens while warmed by the chai, while the honey and "cloud" of whipped cream add a welcome touch of sweetness.
Inspired by | Final Fantasy XII
This recipe makes a single drink.
¾ cup decaffeinated chai tea
¾ cup mead
1 ½ tsp honey
1 dollup of whipped cream
"Have you tasted the spirit known as Bhujerban Madhu? It is a local favorite! Only reluctantly do we allow outsiders to drink it." --Cloudborne Patron
Bring a kettle of water to a boil and pour into a teapot, french press, or cup of your choice with the chai tea. Allow to steep for five minutes.
Pour the mead into your drinking glass of choice and carefully add the chai tea; gently stir in the honey.
Top with a light fluff or spray of whipped cream to form the "cloud" on top; serve immediately.
This drink is best served hot. As it cools, the mead’s flavor becomes more powerful and can overwhelm the other ingredients. Most meads are gluten-free, but if you are gluten intolerant you should always check to be sure.